Monday, August 24, 2020

The USSR Under Stalin Essay Example for Free

The USSR Under Stalin Essay 1)a) Evidence in Source D that proposes that Stalins intention in the mass captures of the late 1930s was to acquire slave work is that â€Å"the mass capture of the late 1930s may have been done to fulfill Stalins want for slave labor,† and â€Å"more jail workers were desperately needed.† b) In Source D, â€Å"absurd inefficiency† implies that the overpopulation of the jail workers in the camps made them disordered and made it hard for the camp leaders to be capable handle them all. 2) In the two Sources B and E, Stalins perspective on industrialization as a war economy is communicated as: Both sources share the view that the reason for industrialization was for the creation of a war economy, â€Å"to get ready for war against the entrepreneur foes abroad.† However, for Source B, the view for the Five Year Plans is that, â€Å"Essentially the Plan was an enormous promulgation venture, planned for persuading the Soviet individuals that they were occupied with an incredible modern undertaking of their own making.† It was a publicity venture advancing industrialization with the end goal of war, yet the Soviet individuals werent mindful of the â€Å"war† part, just the industrialization. In Source E, since it is a banner that is utilized with the end goal of purposeful publicity, it rather puts the Five Year Plan in a superior light, demonstrating that the Five Year Plan will be fruitful later on, that it will without a doubt advantage the U.S.S.R. later on, and that the U.S.S.R. will be set up to vanquish its adversaries abroad (the industrialist foes) if there should be an occurrence of future wars. 3) The starting point of Source An is that its a discourse by Stalin, first March 1927, to laborers in the Stalin workshops of the October Railway. The motivation behind this discourse is to spread his perspective on the U.S.S.R. having the option to industrialize all alone to the laborers of the workshops, saying it with certainty. Topping the laborers off with certainty will give them the will to work more for the business. The estimation of this discourse is this is an essential source and its a discourse by Stalin himself, so it plainly communicates his perspectives on the U.S.S.R. industrializing all alone. The impediments of this discourse is that it just shows Stalins viewpoint and it doesnt show the perspectives on the general population or of the laborers on his view on industrialization. He was attempting to communicate his thought in a sure manner to the laborers to persuade them this is to exclusively profit the U.S.S.R. The starting point of Source C is its a concentrate from Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change by Gail Warshofsky Lapidus, Berkeley, 1978. The motivation behind this concentrate is to recount the purpose behind the expanded work of ladies. It was important to recruit ladies to work on account of the fast extension of the economy, so there was a requirement for additional specialists. It wasnt with the end goal of financial fairness. The estimation of this is it gives us that in the long run everybody in the general public, including ladies, were required to work to follow Stalins Five Years Plan. It shows us the financial status of ladies during this timespan. The confinement of this source is that we dont know the publics feeling or a womans see on the expanded work of ladies. It is an auxiliary source since it is a concentrate from a book that was composed after the hour of Stalin Russia. 4) Stalins techniques for a â€Å"change-over from a laborer nation to a modern one† include: In Source A, he communicates his view in that the U.S.S.R., not at all like different nations like Great Britain and Germany, can industrialize all alone. He says it in a certain tone to ingrain that trust in the laborers in the Stalin workshops with the goal that they will be persuaded that industrialization for the methods for creation is helpful for the U.S.S.R. in general. In Source B, Stalin proclaimed that â€Å"he was advancing a war on the inefficiences of Russias past, a war on the class foes inside, and as groundwork for the entrepreneur adversaries abroad.† The U.S.S.R. â€Å"adopted a comparative mechanical example in its drive toward modernization,† yet it would â€Å"take the way of socialism† rather than free enterprise. The Plan itself â€Å"was a tremendous promulgation venture, planned for persuading the Soviet individuals that they were occupied with an extraordinary mechanical undertaking of their own making.† In Source C, because of the fast urban improvement in the U.S.S.R., â€Å"A new point of view developed in authentic records, one that saw the expanded work of ladies not as far as its consequences for ladies however as basic to the satisfaction of the monetary plans.† The reason for existing was to â€Å"ensure the satisfaction of the creation program of the Five Year Plan, it was important to bring more spouses of laborers into production.† In Source D, it says that â€Å"the mass captures of the late 1930s may have been done to fulfill Stalins want for slave labor† in light of the fact that â€Å"more jail workers were earnestly needed.† There were camps where mass number of slave workers were kept. The more the slave workers, the more the work, and the quicker the Five Year Plans objectives would be accomplished. In Source E, the banner is with the end goal of purposeful publicity, indicating Stalins thought in a â€Å"good light† to the Soviet open by demonstrating the individuals that the Five Year Plan would be effective later on, that the U.S.S.R. would be ground-breaking as far as military because of the mass industrialization, with the goal that it could overcome its foes abroad in future wars. Different techniques that Stalin used to change the U.S.S.R. from a â€Å"peasant nation into a mechanical one† that werent referenced in the Sources were: Stalin made all industry and administrations nationalized, chiefs were given foreordained yield standards by focal organizers, and worker's guilds were changed over into instruments for expanding specialist profitability. Numerous new modern places were created and a huge number of new plants were worked all through the nation. Stalin, a professional Socialist, utilized collectivization to improve rural profitability with the goal that the excess would be adequately enormous enough to take care of the developing urban work power, for the purpose of industrialization. Collectivization was likewise expected to free numerous laborers with the goal that they would go into mechanical work. Nonetheless, Stalins forcefulness on collectivization on the laborers (who furiously opposed) brought about a disturbance in rural efficiency, yet it despite everything accomplished Stalins objective of quick industrialization.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Anorexia Is Bad Essay Example for Free

Why Anorexia Is Bad Essay As indicated by Stefinie Lein from the University of Arizona, the impacts of anorexia nervosa, a complex mental and physical issue in which an individual starves themselves, are numerous Sub Point A) Physical Effects. Absence of basic vitality prerequisites and supplements charge the whole body and can bring about electrolyte unsettling influences, for example, hypokalemia (low blood potassium) and hyponatremia (low blood sodium), among others. Electrolyte unsettling influences, thus, can cause heart arrhythmias, sporadic pulses, and even cardiovascular failures. The heart isn't the main organ in the cardiovascular framework that might be influenced by anorexia. The blood itself may likewise be harmed. Unusual blood checks and iron deficiency (low red platelets or anomalous red platelets with disabled oxygen-conveying limit) are normal. The stomach related framework is influenced also. Other than encountering consistent cravings for food, blockage or swelling may happen. The stomach may shrivel, making the reintroduction of food inconvenient. The kidneys are not resistant either. Further impacts of anorexia nervosa may incorporate kidneys stones and even kidney disappointment. Sub Point B) Ending result. After not eating for a specific measure of time your body would begin to encounter fantasies, seizures, muscle fits, and unpredictable heart beat. Your body at that point starts to destroy itself causeing liquid to fill the body. This makes organs shut down individually until you in the long beyond words the agony. Dispute 2: FOOD BENEFITS IN MULTIPLE WAYS Sub Point A) Health benefits. Eat states that eating benefits incorporate a decreased hazard for stroke and other cardiovascular illnesses, a diminished hazard for type 2 diabetes. Likewise eating secures against specific malignant growths, for example, mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum disease. There is additionally a diminished danger of coronary supply route illness and assists decline with boning misfortune and decrease the danger of creating kidney stones. Sub point B) Mental advantages. There is a various about of mental advantages that come about because of eating food. Food consumtion, as per mental heath, brings about diminished paces of misery and inclinded paces of sentiments of bliss and love. Eatingâ food additionally incresses social communication says Eating additionally gives individuals an improved feeling of ATP and invigoration. This prompts incressed quality, vitality, abilities to focus, confidence, and IQ. It likewise prompts diminished disco uragement, weight vacillation (How quick your weight changes), and stress.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder

Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder Addiction Drug Use Print Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 06, 2019 Claudia Burlotti / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder is the diagnostic name for alcohol or drug-induced psychosis. Psychosis is a serious mental condition that involves the persons losing contact with reality, to a greater or lesser extent, and is most often associated with certain mental illnesses like schizophrenia. While there are similarities between the symptoms of substance-induced psychosis and psychosis associated with mental illness, they are different conditions, with different causes and treatments. Symptoms   Substance or medication-induced psychotic disorder has two major symptoms, delusions and hallucinations. People with substance-induced psychosis might have delusions, hallucinations, or both. People with substance-induced hallucinations and delusions may or may not have insight into whether they are real. Symptoms May Include: HallucinationsDelusionsDissociationDisordered thinking Other symptoms that may be involved in substance-induced psychosis but are not required for the diagnosis are abnormal psychomotor behavior and negative symptoms. Negative symptoms involve the absence of a normal psychological experience, such as experiencing the normal range of emotions. Instead, the person will be emotionally flat and lack in emotional expression. When physicians or psychologists give a diagnosis of substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder, they check to make sure that the psychosis wasnt there before the use of alcohol, drugs or medications thought to be responsible. This is because there are different types of psychotic disorders, and if the symptoms were there before the substance use, it isnt usually the substance/medication-induced type of psychosis. Sometimes a person with a past history of a primary psychotic disorder can still be diagnosed with substance-induced psychosis if the psychotic symptoms are better accounted for by the substance use. However, if the psychotic symptoms persist for a substantial period of time, say, a month or more, after the person stops using the intoxicating drug or medication, or they have a prior history of the recurrent psychotic disorder, the diagnosis will probably not be a substance-induced psychotic disorder. Prevalence The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that 3 in every 100 people will experience an episode of psychosis at some point in their life. When to Seek Help for Symptoms of Psychosis How Soon After Taking the Drug Can Psychosis be Induced? In some cases, almost immediately. There is even a category with onset during intoxication, which means that the psychotic episode actually begins when the individual is high on the drug. It can also occur during withdrawal. The substance-induced psychotic disorder is different from the disturbances of consciousness that occur during an episode of delirium, which can also be substance or medication-induced. Finally, for the diagnosis of Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder to be given, there has to be some sort of significant impact that the psychotic symptoms are having on the persons life, either by causing a great deal of distress, or by impairing some aspect of their life, such as their social life, their employment situation, or another part of their life that is important to them. The Symptoms Used to Diagnose Substance Use Disorders Drugs That Cause Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder A wide variety of psychoactive substances can cause substance-induced psychotic disorder, including: Alcohol-induced psychotic disorderCannabis-induced psychotic disorderPhencyclidine-induced psychotic disorderOther hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorderInhalant-induced psychotic disorderSedative-induced psychotic disorderHypnotic-induced psychotic disorderAnxiolytic-induced psychotic disorderAmphetamine-induced psychotic disorderOther stimulant-induced psychotic disorderCocaine-induced psychotic disorderOther substance-induced psychotic disorderUnknown substance-induced psychotic disorder Medications that are known to cause substance-induced psychotic disorder include: Anesthetic-induced psychotic disorderAnalgesic-induced psychotic disorderAnticholinergic-induced psychotic disorderAnticonvulsant-induced psychotic disorderAntihistamine-induced psychotic disorderAntihypertensive-induced psychotic disorderCardiovascular medication-induced psychotic disorderAntimicrobial medication-induced psychotic disorderAntiparkinsonian medication-induced psychotic disorderChemotherapeutic agent-induced psychotic disorderCorticosteroid-induced psychotic disorderGastrointestinal medication-induced psychotic disorderMuscle relaxant-induced psychotic disorderNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication-induced psychotic disorderOver-the-counter medication-induced psychotic disorder, including OTC medications such as phenylephrine and pseudoephedrineAntidepressant medication-induced psychotic disorderDisulfiram-induced psychotic disorder Toxins that have been reported to induce psychotic disorders include anticholinesterase, organophosphate insecticides, sarin, and other nerve gases, carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and volatile substances such as fuel or paint. Drugs or Psychosis Can Cause Delusions

Friday, May 22, 2020

Financial Analysis Cost And Income Analysis - 934 Words

Financial analysis Cost and Income analysis The costs of the start stage are training costs, rental costs, interest costs, supplies costs (such as papers, powdered ink, stationery†¦ ), utilities cost (such as electronic cost, water cost, cleaning cost, property costs†¦), depreciation cost, wage cost, facilities cost. As mentioned in training mechanism part of this report, at the start stage of LFA, the whole enterprise has not formed a systematic training mechanism. A large number of trainers will be hired and LFA will corporate with third part training organisations. Therefore, the cost of intellectual investments at the start stage is much higher than the other stages. However, the cost is necessary and unsustainable, which was mentioned before. On the other hand, facilities such as printers, offices, chairs and desks are non-current assets of LFA. In other words, Facilities are bought to support business activities, not to be sold as inventories. According to AASB (Australian Accounting Standards Board) 116, they are non-current assets of LFA, which belong to the column of Property, Plant and Equipment. Relative depreciation expenses and maintenance costs will be allocated to overheads of relevant products and services. Therefore, the costs of facilities which only generate at the start stage of this enterprise cannot be regarded as periodical cost. In other words, it means that in 2016 Income Statement of LFA, these facilities costs cannot be totally counted as expenses.Show MoreRelatedThe Valve Of Equity Per Common Share1442 Words   |  6 Pagesdividend )/(net income) It is also important to note that our return on Assets (ROA) could be derived in a way of; profit margin Ãâ€" Assets turnover Ratio = (net income)/(average total assets) =(net income)/saleÃâ€"sales/(average total sales) Classification by Source The classification by source can be divided into three: Income statement or Statement of Comprehensive Income (SOCI) Statement of Financial Position (SOFIP) Mixed (i.e. combination of income statement and SOFIP) Income Statement or StatementRead MoreBtec Business, L3, Unit 7, D1 Essay1220 Words   |  5 Pagesbreak-even analysis in estimating budgeted activity levels for a selected organisation. Break – Even Analysis Break even analysis is reliable as it is made from the budget and it gives a financial structure to the business. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

The War on Drugs is Failing Essay - 1228 Words

The War on Drugs is Failing â€Å"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance†¦ for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation and make a crime out of things that are not a crime. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principle upon which our government was founded† Abraham Lincoln On January 16, 1920 the Eighteenth Amendment was ratified by thirty-six states and became part of the Constitution. The intention of this new amendment was to lower alcohol consumption by Americans. At the time each American consumed on average thirty gallons of alcohol a year.[1] This new amendment took away the license to do business from the brewers, distillers, and the†¦show more content†¦The War on Drugs intends to rid America of drugs, hard and soft, just as prohibition attempted to rid America of drink. The arguments against the War on Drugs are the same arguments that persuaded politicians sixty years ago to end Prohibition. Just as the movement to rid America of alcohol failed, so will the War on Drugs because social engineering works no better today than it did then. The War on Drugs has given birth to many of the modern day evils. The most widespread repercussion of the War on Drugs is the crime rate. â€Å" In 1990, the number of people sent to state and federal prisons for drug offenses exceeded the number of offenders sent to prison for violent crimes†¦. Drug offenders currently make up 62 percent of the federal inmate population, up from 22 percent in 1980.†[3] Add to this the fact that most of these prisoners are nonviolent offenders put there under mandatory minimum sentencing laws and the explanation for why this country is running out of prison space should be readily apparent. The second most prevalent, as well as disheartening, result of this movement is the death of innocent victims. The support for this result can be found in the obituary section of the daily newspaper or on the five o’clock news. Even the smallest of towns have been afflicted with death due to drugs. Back-alley heroin and basement-lab manufactured amphetamines present the same problem asShow MoreRelatedAmerica’s Failing War on Drugs and the Culture of Incarceration2483 Words   |  10 PagesAmerica’s failing War on Drugs and the Culture of Incarceration Richard B. Carpenter Adams State College America’s failing War on Drugs and the Culture of Incarceration Richard B. Carpenter Adams State College Abstract For over a century, America has waged a failing war on drugs even as it feeds a cultural apathetic and underground acceptance of drug and alcohol use. 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The war on drugs has had a major impact on the lives of women in the criminal justice system. This policy has punished women disproportionately to the harm many in our society. According to Women Offenders and the Gendered Public Policy (2004), â€Å"Nationwide, about 35% of the imprisoned women were serving a sentence for a drug related crime, withRead MoreHow Successful Is The War On Drugs? Essay1001 Words   |  5 PagesThe war on drugs has maintained an accumulation of prohibitions on illegal drugs and mandatory minimum sentencing strategies for drug offenders. Incarceration rates have also increased due to the increase of laws against illegal drugs. In Eugene Jarecki’s film, The House I Live In, Jarecki states that the penalties for crack users were harsher than penalties for regular cocaine users. This suggests that penalties are more of a double sta ndard theory. The â€Å"War on Drugs† is more of a failure that places

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eid Ul Azha Free Essays

Eid is a great festival for Muslims. There are two Eid occasion- Eid ul fitr and Eid ul adha. Muslims celebrate these festivals with great respect and pleasure. We will write a custom essay sample on Eid Ul Azha or any similar topic only for you Order Now Eid ul fitr is celebrated after the month of Ramadan. Eid ul adha is celebrated in 10th Jilhajj. We celebrated Eid ul adha in last month. Eid ul adha remembers the prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son when God ordered him to. God appeared in a dream to Ibrahim and told him to sacrifice his son Isma’il. According to Islamic tradition, approximately four thousand years ago, the valley of Mecca (in what is now Saudi Arabia) was a dry, rocky and uninhabited place. Ibrahim was instructed to bring his Egyptian wife Hajirah and Ishmael, his only child at the time to Arabia from the land of Canaan by Allah’s command. As Ibrahim was preparing for his return journey back to Canaan, Hajirah asked him, â€Å"Did Allah order you to leave us here? Or are you leaving us here to die. † Ibrahim turned around to face his wife. He was so sad that he couldn’t say anything. He pointed to the sky showing that Allah commanded him to do so. Hajirah said, â€Å"Then Allah will not waste us; you can go†. Though Ibrahim had left a large quantity of food and water with Hajirah and Ishmael, the supplies quickly ran out, and within a few days the two began to feel the pangs of hunger and dehydration. Hajirah ran up and down between two hills called Al-Safa and Al-Marwah seven times, in her desperate quest for water. Exhausted, she finally collapsed beside her baby Ishmael and prayed to Allah for deliverance. Miraculously, a spring of water gushed forth from the earth at the feet of baby Ishmael. Other accounts have the angel Jibrail striking the earth and causing the spring to flow in abundance. With this secure water supply, known as the Zamzam Well, they were not only able to provide for their own needs, but were also able to trade water with passing nomads for food and supplies. Years later, Ibrahim was instructed by Allah to return from Canaan to build a place of worship adjacent to Zamzam well Ibrahim and Ishmael constructed a stone and mortar structure —known as the Kaaba— which was to be the gathering place for all who wished to strengthen their faith in Allah. As the years passed, Ishmael was blessed with Prophethood (Nubuwwah) and gave the nomads of the desert his message of submission to Allah. After many centuries, Mecca became a thriving desert city and a major center for trade, thanks to its reliable water source, the well of Zamzam. One of the main trials of Ibrahim’s life was to face the command of Allah to devote his dearest possession, his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah’s will. During this preparation, Satan (Shaitan) tempted Ibrahim and his family by trying to dissuade them from carrying out Allah’s commandment, and Ibrahim drove Satan away by throwing pebbles at him. In commemoration of their rejection of Satan, stones are thrown at symbolic pillars signifying Satan during the Hajj rites. When Ishmael was about 13 (Ibrahim being 99), Allah decided to test their faith in public. Ibrahim had a recurring dream, in which Allah was commanding him to offer his son as a sacrifice – an unimaginable act – sacrificing his son, which Allah had granted him after many years of deep prayer. Ibrahim knew that the dreams of the prophets were divinely inspired, and one of the ways in which Allah communicated with his prophets. When the intent of the dreams became clear to him, Ibrahim decided to fulfill Allah’s command and offer Ishmael for sacrifice. Although Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his dearest for Allah’s sake, he could not just go and drag his son to the place of sacrifice without his consent. Ishmael had to be consulted as to whether he was willing to give up his life as fulfillment to Allah’s command. This consultation would be a major test of Ishmael’s maturity in faith, love and commitment for Allah, willingness to obey his father and sacrifice his own life for the sake of Allah. Ibrahim presented the matter to his son and asked for his opinion about the dreams of slaughtering him. Ishmael did not show any hesitation or reservation even for a moment. He said, â€Å"Father, do what you have been commanded. You will find me, Insha’Allah (Allah willing), to be very patient. † His mature response, his deep insight into the nature of his father’s dreams, his commitment to Allah, and ultimately his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of Allah were all unprecedented. Ibrahim could not bear to watch his son die so he covered his eyes by a blindfold. When he cut Ishmael’s throat and removed the blindfold, he was astonished to see that Ishmael was unharmed and instead, he found a dead sheep which was slaughtered. Ibrahim had passed the test by his willingness to carry out Allah’s command. As a reward for this sacrifice, Allah then granted Ibrahim the good news of the birth of his second son, Is-haaq. And We gave him the good news of Is-haaq, a prophet from among the righteous. Ibrahim had shown that his love for Allah superseded all others: that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dearest to him in submission to Allah’s command. Muslims commemorate this ultimate act of sacrifice every year during Eid al-Adha. I celebrated Eid ul adha with my family in Chittagong. Our eid vacation was started 17 October. I went to Chittagong with a great pleasure. Before 3 days of eid my father bought a cow to sacrifice for Allah. The eid was celebrated at 27th October. On that day I take bath in 7. 00 am. Then I help my mother in cooking. My father was going to slay cow and collect beef. My father returned home at 1. 00 pm. Then my mother cooked meat. At afternoon I get out with my friends. I visited my friends’ house. My friends were gathering in one of my friend’s house and chatting. At 9. 00 pm I returned home. I took my supper with my family. I was tired but I enjoyed the festival. After 7 days I returned to Dhaka. It was an enjoyable Eid celebration. Dhaka is a busy city. Everyone is busy with his own business. I miss my Eid days in this busy life. â€Å"Thank You† How to cite Eid Ul Azha, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

The James River Exhibitions

Both James River exhibitions: ‘The James in the Civil War’ and ‘The James in the period 1880-1920’, are quite different, however have much in common. Two pictures: ‘View of the Port of Richmond Virginia’ in the Civil War and the ‘Evacuation of Richmond’ in the period 1880-1920, have been analyzed.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The James River Exhibitions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first image is in black and white tones. The values are transitional and smooth, and gently move from light to dark (Studio Codex, 2006). In some areas the broken values are used in order to emphasize the texture. Light value is used to underline the major themes on the picture: the moon light, calm river. Even though the second image is colored, the tones are very cold. Similar to the first image, the values are changed from light, which is closer, to the dark, which is fu rther. The emphasis is made on the dark values, as the image has negative background. Both images are rich for lines. The second has many horizontal lines, which show the river character, as well as many vertical lines, which are used to describe the boats. The lines are not very thick; they create the light atmosphere of the image. The first image has more vertical lines. The main accent is made on fire. Another line is the bridge, which divides the image into two parts. The lines on the other side of the bridge are horizontal, they are observed in the river and on the both shores. Both images are three dimensions, but the space solution is different (Elements and Principles of Design, 2012). Thus, the image is organized, as almost every single part is filled. Free space is used only at the beginning. Another image is divided into two parts. One part is filled of events, the main theme of fire and disastrous is shown on it. Other part shows absolutely different atmosphere. It is no t occupied by many objects: calm river, the shores, and some buildings on the background (The James River, 2003). The first image presents symmetrical balance in comparison to the asymmetrical second one. The black and white picture represents radial symmetry: the major theme of the night is observed in the centre. The asymmetrical balance of the other picture is viewed out of the contrast of tones, values, inactive and active areas (Researching Art, 2012).Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nevertheless, both of the pictures represent the same James River region, their content differs a lot. Both images are historical and describe the events from the past: James River in the period of the Civil War, and James River in the period 1880-1920. ‘View of the Port of Richmond Virginia’ and ‘Evacuation of Richmond’ are not very rich for symbols (Coski,1996). The p rimary context of the image is to show the river in the night, and the marvelous overview of the many boats. However, the secondary content of the images is to show historical facts. The first picture shows common James River for the period of Civil War: people are trying to escape (Sears, 1992). It is deep night, as we can see the moon, but there are many boats. The atmosphere is calm. Even watching the image, we can hear the noise of the oars, but nothing more (McFarland, 2009). The major difference on the second picture is that it doesn’t have the primary content as showed events are obvious. The invasion clearly showed on the left part of image. Here â€Å"what you see† is equal to â€Å"what you understand†(Belton, 1996). To conclude, the images exemplify their content very different. The first image has a double content. It is very hard to discover the main theme without knowing the historical background of the image. The second picture is more open, as he re the author underlined the major topic by colors, techniques, and tones. Bibliography Belton, Robert. Art History a Preliminary Handbook. 1996. Web. Brown, Robert. View of the Port of Richmond Virginia. The Countries of the World: Being a Popular Description of a Various Continents, Island, Rivers, Seas, and People of the Globe. Vol.2, London, Paris New York: Cassell, Petter, Gaplin Go., 1876, p.160. Print Coski, John M. Capital Navy: The Men, Ships, and Operations of the James River Squadron. Campbell, California: Savas Woodbury Publishers, 1996. PrintAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The James River Exhibitions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Elements and Principles of Design. 2012. Web. McFarland, Kenneth M. â€Å"The James River During the Civil War.† Encyclopedia Virginia. Ed. Brendan Wolfe. Virginia Foundation for the Humanities. November 24, 2009. Web. Researching Art.  2012. Web. Sears, Stephe n W. To the Gates of Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign. New York: Ticknor and Fields, 1992. Print Studio Codex. 2006. Web. The Evacuation of Richmond, Va. Hand-colored postcard. Richmond, Virginia: Southern Bargain House, 1913. Print The James River. 2003. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on The James River Exhibitions was written and submitted by user Sage Durham to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Dress for success Essays

Dress for success Essays Dress for success Essay Dress for success Essay Is the manner a individual dresses of import? It can be said: yes . it is. It is of import non merely for the feeling he creates for the people around him. but besides there is a more of import factor- that the apparels a individual wears makes them experience good. Whenever a individual goes someplace he is like a polo-neck. and his apparels are his shell. and when he goes someplace he needs to be dressed good. and even if the juncture is non of import. and he merely goes for a walk with his Canis familiaris. understanding that his shell looks nice. and absolutely suits him makes him experience more comfy. So. a individual who wears nice apparels is more successful and self-assured. Unfortunately. harmonizing to what we can see non all people in society are following this consecutive frontward rule. Most of them merely don’t attention about how they look. and so some of them might kick about being unsuccessful. Possibly this sloppiness could be a ground for their failures. Some people may reason that apparels are non so of import. and it depends on a individual. and how smart he is. and that merely difficult work can act upon success. However. it does affair. and it is really of import to hold a nice apparels! How people dress affects the manner they feel about themselves and the state of affairs in which they perform. Dating and manner manager and the laminitis of the Fashion Experts Network. Sheila Dicks. wrote in one of her articles. How dressing affects your attitude and confidence . that we don’t have to pass tremendous sums of money on our apparels. but the manner we combine apparels and so present ourselves in them. may demo our assurance and confidence. Dressing for many people seems really undistinguished. and they don’t believe that it can impact attitude. How people frock is related in some manner to how they feel . says Sheila Dicks. It makes sense. when we feel good we dress good. but when we are non in the temper we can look really stupid. However when we put on nice things. which we truly bask. this automatically triggers our temper to be good. so we have more energy for the twenty-four hours. and things seem better for us. In Sheila’s article there’s written that there are some facets that can increase attitude: 1 ) if a individual knows the juncture where he’s traveling to be ; 2 ) if he knows the audience he’s traveling to interact with ; 3 ) he knows his ain manner ; 4 ) if he has an thought of how to unite colourss. 1 ) Tailoring harmonizing to the event is of import in order non to look stupid in forepart of other people. It can be merely traveling shopping or traveling to a concern tiffin. but a individual has to retrieve to dress harmonizing to the juncture. 2 ) The people who the person is in contact with are considered to be an audience. Dress is an image of a individual which he will be introduced in forepart of his friends. co-workers. enemies and so on. It besides has to make with societal state of affairs ; we don’t normally see a adult female working in the supermarket and have oning a cocktail frock. because she has a suited frock codification which he must follow. 3 ) In everything we do we hold our ain personal manner. which makes us distinguishable from each other. Peoples express their manner of apparels in clothes’ construction. stuff. form. every bit good as accoutrements. Not all occasions suit a person’s personal manner. but being cognizant of it helps to suit apparels for peculiar juncture. There are people who look better in warm colourss and others in cool colourss. Each colour has different description and can take to different consequence. ( Self-Growth ) The best compliment that person can do to another individual is to state. You expression fantastic . It means that the occupation that person did with his outfit is successful. and he win in affecting others. This compliment about the overall outfit. is even better than hearing about a specific portion of the outfit. for illustration. the places. or a bag. or a coat†¦ This compliment means that the person’s garb was successfully combined. with his self- assurance doing the individual expression antic. It’s particularly of import when doing a first feeling. Because when first meeting person a good feeling will be made. In a person’s life there’s a really of import and important measure. which may act upon their whole life. this measure is to happen a good occupation. It means that people should be responsible about happening work because cipher wants to lose out on a opportunity. so a individual has to be really concerned about it. It’s when first feelings are made as good. Harmonizing to CNN’s studies about what employers demand from people who went to the occupation interview. we can see that how we dress says a batch about us. and it forms an employer’s sentiment and decides our hereafter in the company ( CNN. com/living ) . A company may non hold a peculiar frock codification. but they would wish to see people working in appropriate and suited apparels ; the employers want to see a individual with clean. Besides from this CNN study we can see when an employer has to take between two appliers. the 1 who was nicely dressed and feels really confident about himself. will acquire a occupation over the applicant who’s sketch is merely every bit good. but he is non good dressed good plenty ( CNN. com/living ) . Many people can reason with that and say that it is unjust. and an employer should non do determination based merely on visual aspect. but unfortunately it’s true. and it’s truly taking topographic point. When this well- dressed individual gets his dream- occupation. it doesn’t mean that he should halt seeking to make his best while dressing every forenoon. Now he’s dressing non merely to affect. but besides to assist himself to increase his productiveness and assurance during this on the job period. For illustration he may hold really a of import concern meeting. and he might be nervous about it. but since he put on his smart and fashionable suit. which seems like it was merely made for his organic structure construction ; he is at least certain that the people he is traveling to run into with will wish his expression. and will be more friendly and more respectful. Then. when he eventually meets them. and he sees their reaction toward him. it gives him more energy and more desire. and the purpose is to affect them with his working accomplishments every bit good. Basically. this illustration shows how a good suit can do subscribing a profitable concern contract possible. Womans like to affect non merely concern spouses. but they’re besides interested in affecting the work forces they meet socially. Bing in a good physical form and holding a nice organic structure is great ; nevertheless it is even better if this organic structure is covered with attractive vesture. There is really good book How to Dress for Success by Edit Head where she gives a batch of good advice and tips about how to dress for success in different countries and besides with work forces. It makes no difference whether a adult female is merely interested in a adult male for a relationship or as whether she sees in him a possible hubby. In both illustrations she should set attempt into taking what to have on. Head writes that adult females should hold an thought where and how the day of the month is traveling to be. so she can take the perfect outfit. If they go to a eating house. or to the film. or to the opera. or merely for a walk in the park she has to hold an thought to what sort of apparels she will experience most comfy in. and whether it will accommodate the topographic point. The adult male should besides like her outfit. because if he doesn’t the whole mascarade was in vane ( Chapter 2 ) . Most work forces truly don’t attention whether a miss is cagey or non. they will happen that out subsequently ; foremost they fall in love with their eyes non with the girl’s intelligence. We can see that the manner we dress is so of import and it regulates our attitude. Wherever we go. we have to be dressed absolutely in order to experience more confident. and to do people more attracted to us. Knowing how to unite apparels efficaciously and how to purchase the 1s that suit us is a really utile accomplishment and cognition to hold ; if a individual finds something really nice. but unluckily it doesn’t suit him. it means he shouldn’t purchase it. Looking good additions our productiveness every bit good ; when we feel comfy about our visual aspect we perform better in the work topographic point. Peoples who surround us besides feel it. and they are more attracted to the individual. who have strong self-esteem. and in know what they want. At work these people are more apprehended. and are more likely to acquire a good occupation. which leads to doing good money. so fundamentally dressing good helps us to do money. However. we don’t truly see successful and rich people who dressing bad do we? Work list Dicks. Sheila. How Dressing Affects Your Attitude and Confidence. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. selfgrowth. com. N. p. . n. d. Web. 27 Mar 2014. Head. Edit. How to dress for success. New York: Random House. 1967. Web. Haefner. Rosemary. how to dress for success at work. CareerBuilder. com human resources frailty president. ( 2008 ) : n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Legend of El Dorado

The Legend of El Dorado El Dorado was a mythical city supposedly located somewhere in the unexplored interior of South America. It was said to be unimaginably rich, with fanciful tales told of gold-paved streets, golden temples and rich mines of gold and silver. Between 1530 and 1650 or so, thousands of Europeans searched the jungles, plains, mountains, and rivers of South America for El Dorado, many of them losing their lives in the process. El Dorado never existed except in the fevered imaginations of these seekers, so it was never found. Aztec and Inca Gold The El Dorado myth had its roots in the vast fortunes discovered in Mexico and Peru. In 1519, Hernn Cortes captured Emperor Montezuma and sacked the mighty Aztec Empire, making off with thousands of pounds of gold and silver and making rich men of the conquistadors who were with him. In 1533, Francisco Pizarro discovered the Inca Empire in the Andes of South America. Taking a page from Cortes book, Pizarro captured the Inca Emperor Atahualpa and held him for ransom, earning another fortune in the process. Lesser New World cultures such as the Maya in Central America and the Muisca in present-day Colombia yielded smaller (but still significant) treasures. Would-Be Conquistadors Tales of these fortunes made the rounds in Europe and soon thousands of adventurers from all over Europe were making their way to the New World, hoping to be part of the next expedition. Most (but not all) of them were Spanish. These adventurers had little or no personal fortune but great ambition: most had some experience fighting in Europes many wars. They were violent, ruthless men who had nothing to lose: they would get rich on New World gold or die trying. Soon the ports were flooded with these would-be conquistadors, who would form into large expeditions and set off into the unknown interior of South America, often following the vaguest rumors of gold. The Birth of El Dorado There was a grain of truth in the El Dorado myth. The Muisca people of Cundinamarca (present-day Colombia) had a tradition: kings would coat themselves in a sticky sap before covering themselves in gold powder. The king would then take a canoe to the center of Lake Guatavit and, before the eyes of thousands of his subjects watching from shore, would leap into the lake, emerging clean. Then, a great festival would begin. This tradition had been neglected by the Muisca by the time of their discovery by the Spanish in 1537, but not before word of it had reached the greedy ears of the European intruders in cities all over the continent. El Dorado, in fact, is Spanish for the gilded one: the term at first referred to an individual, the king who covered himself in gold. According to some sources, the man who coined this phrase was conquistador Sebastin de Benalczar. Evolution of the Myth After the Cundinamarca plateau was conquered, the Spanish dredged Lake Guatavit in search of the gold of El Dorado. Some gold was indeed found, but not as much as the Spanish had hoped for. Therefore, they reasoned optimistically, the Muisca must not be the true kingdom of El Dorado and it must still be out there somewhere. Expeditions, composed of recent arrivals from Europe as well as veterans of the conquest, set out in all directions to search for it. The legend grew as illiterate conquistadors passed the legend by word of mouth from one to another: El Dorado was not merely one king, but a rich city made of gold, with enough wealth for a thousand men to become rich forever. The Quest Between 1530 and 1650 or so, thousands of men made dozens of forays into the unmapped interior of South America. A typical expedition went something like this. In a Spanish coastal town on the South American mainland, such as Santa Marta or Coro, a charismatic, influential individual would announce an expedition. Anywhere from one hundred to seven hundred Europeans, mostly Spaniards would sign up, bringing their own armor, weapons, and horses (if you had a horse you got a larger share of the treasure). The expedition would force natives along to carry the heavier gear, and some of the better-planned ones would bring livestock (usually hogs) to slaughter and eat along the way. Fighting dogs were always brought along, as they were useful when fighting bellicose natives. The leaders would often borrow heavily to purchase supplies. After a couple of months, they were ready to go. The expedition would head off, seemingly in any direction. They would stay out for any length of time from a couple of months to as long as four years, searching plains, mountains, rivers, and jungles. They would meet natives along the way: these they would either torture or ply with gifts to get information about where they could find gold. Almost invariably, the natives pointed in some direction and said some variation of our neighbors in that direction have the gold you seek. The natives had quickly learned that the best way to be rid of these rude, violent men was to tell them what they wanted to hear and send them on their way. Meanwhile, illnesses, desertion, and native attacks would whittle down the expedition. Nevertheless, the expeditions proved surprisingly resilient, braving mosquito-infested swamps, hordes of angry natives, blazing heat on the plains, flooded rivers, and frosty mountain passes. Eventually, when their numbers got too low (or when the leader died) the expedition would give up and return home. The Seekers of This Lost City of Gold Over the years, many men searched South America for the legendary lost city of gold. At best, they were impromptu explorers, who treated the natives they encountered relatively fairly and helped map the unknown interior of South America. At worst, they were greedy, obsessed butchers who tortured their way through native populations, killing thousands in their fruitless quest. Here are some of the more distinguished seekers of El Dorado: Gonzalo Pizarro and  Francisco de Orellana: In 1541,  Gonzalo Pizarro, brother of Francisco Pizarro, led an expedition east from Quito. After a few months, he sent his lieutenant Francisco de Orellana in search of supplies: Orellana and his men  instead found the Amazon River, which they followed to the Atlantic Ocean.Gonzalo Jimà ©nez de Quesada: Quesada set out from Santa Marta with 700 men in 1536: in early 1537 they reached the Cundinamarca plateau, home of the Muisca people, which they swiftly conquered. Quesadas expedition was the one that actually found  El Dorado, although the greedy conquistadors at the time refused to admit that the mediocre takings from the Muisca were the fulfillment of the legend and they kept looking.Ambrosius Ehinger: Ehinger was a German: at the time, part of Venezuela was administered by Germans. He set out in 1529 and again in 1531 and led two of the cruelest expeditions: his men tortured natives and sacked their villages relentlessly. He w as killed by natives in 1533 and his men went home. Lope de Aguirre: Aguirre was a soldier on Pedro de Ursà ºas 1559 expedition which set out from Peru. Aguirre, a paranoid psychotic, soon turned the men against Ursà ºa, who was murdered. Aguirre eventually took over the expedition and began a reign of terror, ordering the murder of many of the original explorers and capturing and terrorizing the Island of Margarita. He was killed by Spanish soldiers.Sir Walter Raleigh: this legendary Elizabethan courtier is remembered as the man who introduced potatoes and tobacco to Europe and for his sponsorship of the doomed Roanoke  colony in Virginia. But he also was a seeker of El Dorado: he thought it was in the highlands of Guyana and made two trips there:  one in 1595  and a second in 1617. After the failure of  the second expedition, Raleigh was executed in England. Was It Ever Found? So,  was El Dorado ever found? Sort of. The  conquistadors  followed tales of El Dorado to  Cundinamarca  but refused to believe that they had found the mythical city, so they kept looking. The Spanish didnt know it, but the Muisca civilization was the last major native culture with any wealth. The El Dorado they searched for after 1537 did not exist. Still, they searched and searched: dozens of expeditions containing thousands of men scoured South America until about  1800 when  Alexander Von Humboldt  visited South America and concluded that El Dorado had been a myth all along. Nowadays, you can find El Dorado on a map, although its not the one the Spanish were looking for. There are towns named El Dorado in several countries, including Venezuela,  Mexico, and Canada. In the USA there are no fewer than thirteen towns named El Dorado (or Eldorado).  Finding El Dorado  is easier than ever†¦just dont expect streets paved with gold. The El Dorado legend has proven resilient. The notion of a lost city of gold and the desperate men who search for it is just too romantic for writers and artists to resist. Countless songs, stories  books, and poems (including one by  Edgar Allen Poe) have been written about the subject. There is even a superhero called El Dorado.  Moviemakers, in particular, have been fascinated by the legend: as recently as 2010 a movie was made about a modern-day scholar who finds clues to the lost city of El Dorado: action and shootouts ensue.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Optical Fiber and WLAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Optical Fiber and WLAN - Essay Example However, working on an efficient frequency use, one point must be addressed i.e. GSM mobile and wireless network users will use the same medium i.e. air and that may result in in an interference or obstruction of frequencies, if design is not adequate (Al-Hunaity 2011). Wireless LAN utilizes radio frequencies or electromagnetic waves for carrying signals to the source or destination similar to Amplitude Modulation AM, frequency modulation FM or Frequency Division Multiple Access FDMA. FDMA allocates the available frequency range in to small ranges that are also called sub-frequencies. After dividing the sub frequencies, each sub frequency is utilized as a stand-alone frequency and is called as a channel. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has defined Wireless LAN standards by IEEE 802.11. The IEEE 802.11 standard is defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated. Likewise, overviews of wireless LAN standards are demonstrated below (Al-Hunaity 2 011): IEEE 802.11 (legacy mode) standard was defined in 1997, as it talks about two bandwidth rates i.e. 1 Megabits per second (Mbps) and 2 Megabits per second (Mbps) operational in a 2.4 GHz frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) and in the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS). IEEE 802.11a is operational on a 5 GHz unlicensed spectrum and utilize frequency band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) that offers a maximum data transfer rates of 54 Mbps. Moreover, it also offers 12 channels that are non-interference along with 4 outdoor channels and 8 indoor channels. IEEE 802.11b standard is operational on a 2.4 GHz unlicensed frequency spectrum that offers... Moreover, bandwidth access for end users may reach 1 GB per day by 2015 and 10 GB per day by the end of 2020 (Parker, Walker et al. 2010). Likewise, research and studies associated with NGA incorporates convergence with different technologies and the wireless convergence is addressed by Radio over Fiber (Parker, Walker et al. 2010). A fiber radio network consists of two different domains, one is optical and the other one is wireless. The wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), in the optical domain is used to combine a number of wavelengths together in order to send them through a network known as fiber-optic network. Hence the growing use of available fiber bandwidth and maximizing total data throughput, a single CO supply each remote radio BS and has access to divide optical wavelength, therefore to accomplish the requirements of future bandwidth wireless. From CO to BS a separate optical wavelength is allocated in the downlink. However, it can be used in the uplink route as BS to CO. On the contrary, a channel offset method can be used or downlink and uplink channels can be interleaved because, by using the identical wavelength in both the directions is not necessary. The main aspect that determines the type of that optical network and the tools used in CO and BS is that whether the data designed for the BS i s sent at the baseband or at intermediate-or radio-frequency(IF and RF).

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Being a doctor has severaldisadvantages that makes it a questionable Research Paper

Being a doctor has severaldisadvantages that makes it a questionable career choice - Research Paper Example small percentage (0.5%) can perform hemodialysis with special equipment at home and this is risky due to the increased possibility of infection and the requirement of having a very motivated patient. ESRD facilities are reimbursed mostly by Medicare part A (after the first 30 days). In fact, the vast majority of over 90% of dialysis patients covers this way. The patient’s physician is reimbursed through Medicare part B. Reimbursement coding at the facility is done using the International Classification of the Disease, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), while the physicians submits for reimbursement using the Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS). Data collected by the facility and physician play a critical role in the patients ongoing treatment plan. These environments are a uniquely challenging setting too many due to the very nature of the population needing services. Another challenge our health care doctors face is the deficit of nurses who assist them in treatment of patients. Part of this shortage is due to the lack of infrastructure. In the academic year of 2010-2011, 67,563 qualified students were not admitted into nursing schools due to the lack of faculty, training facilities and other budget constraints and this is a clear indication that unless there is improvement in the infrastructure, such as state and national funding, that there could be a collapse in the nursing educational system (Dunham, 2009). An increase in population has also caused the need for more doctors. The number of nurses is not growing at the same rate as that of the population. The lack of younger students moving into the field of nursing is also a primary concern. The current age of a Registered Nurse is between 43 and 45 years of age. In the next ten to fifteen years, these nurses will reach retirement age, which will only add to the current shortage (Williams & Torrens, 2010). Higher spending costs. The development of new treatments for previously

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Pat Barkers Regeneration Essay -- Pat Barker, Regeneration Essays

In Pat Barker's novel Regeneration, there is little doubt that the cult of Oscar Wilde had taken hold already in the first decades of the twentieth century. In Oscar Wilde's Last Stand, Philip Hoarer informs us that by associating with Robert Ross, Wilfred Owen "was allying himself with the cult of Oscar Wilde: hero, mentor and martyr to an entire culture" (Hoarer 15). In some manner, the unraveling of this statement is what makes the references to Wilde so important in Barker's novel. Barker makes three references to Oscar Wilde on pages 54, 124, and 143. Each of the references to Wilde is in the context of friendships involving homosexual males. In Barker's Regeneration, Oscar Wilde is referenced to emphasize the theme that homosexuals are completely capable having friendships with other males and not just romantic relationships. The interesting life of Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde began on October 16, 1854, in Dublin, Ireland. By the end of his college education, Wilde had become one of the most famous aesthetes; it was this recognition which drew attention to his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings. This fame led to his 1882 lecture tour of America. In 1885 Wilde began work as a book reviewer for the Pall Mall Gazette and a critic for the Dramatic Reviewer. Two years later, he was appointed as the editor of the Lady's World Magazine. The year 1888 marked his first major published work The Happy Prince and Other Stories, which was a charming collection of children's stories. Three years later Wilde made a name for him self by publishing four books in 1891: A House of Pomegranates, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, Intentions, and The Picture of Dorian Gray -- the latter earning him his greatest fame to date" ("Biograp... ...) The references to Oscar Wilde are ingeniously placed within the novel to give a historical framework to the novel. Pat Barker, in her use of historical characters intertwined with her creation of fictional characters, shows how homosexual and heterosexual men can relate in the background of war and in a society of changing social mores. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 2003. Biography of Oscar Wilde. 2000. A&E Television Networks. 10 April, 2004. <> Borland, Maureen. Wilde's Devoted Friend. Oxford: Lennard Publishing, 1990. Hammond, Paul. Love between Men in English Literature. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Hibberd, Dominic. Wilfred Owen: The Last Year. London: Constable, 1992. Hoare, Philip. Oscar Wilde's Last Stand. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1997. Pat Barker's Regeneration Essay -- Pat Barker, Regeneration Essays In Pat Barker's novel Regeneration, there is little doubt that the cult of Oscar Wilde had taken hold already in the first decades of the twentieth century. In Oscar Wilde's Last Stand, Philip Hoarer informs us that by associating with Robert Ross, Wilfred Owen "was allying himself with the cult of Oscar Wilde: hero, mentor and martyr to an entire culture" (Hoarer 15). In some manner, the unraveling of this statement is what makes the references to Wilde so important in Barker's novel. Barker makes three references to Oscar Wilde on pages 54, 124, and 143. Each of the references to Wilde is in the context of friendships involving homosexual males. In Barker's Regeneration, Oscar Wilde is referenced to emphasize the theme that homosexuals are completely capable having friendships with other males and not just romantic relationships. The interesting life of Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde began on October 16, 1854, in Dublin, Ireland. By the end of his college education, Wilde had become one of the most famous aesthetes; it was this recognition which drew attention to his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings. This fame led to his 1882 lecture tour of America. In 1885 Wilde began work as a book reviewer for the Pall Mall Gazette and a critic for the Dramatic Reviewer. Two years later, he was appointed as the editor of the Lady's World Magazine. The year 1888 marked his first major published work The Happy Prince and Other Stories, which was a charming collection of children's stories. Three years later Wilde made a name for him self by publishing four books in 1891: A House of Pomegranates, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, Intentions, and The Picture of Dorian Gray -- the latter earning him his greatest fame to date" ("Biograp... ...) The references to Oscar Wilde are ingeniously placed within the novel to give a historical framework to the novel. Pat Barker, in her use of historical characters intertwined with her creation of fictional characters, shows how homosexual and heterosexual men can relate in the background of war and in a society of changing social mores. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 2003. Biography of Oscar Wilde. 2000. A&E Television Networks. 10 April, 2004. <> Borland, Maureen. Wilde's Devoted Friend. Oxford: Lennard Publishing, 1990. Hammond, Paul. Love between Men in English Literature. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Hibberd, Dominic. Wilfred Owen: The Last Year. London: Constable, 1992. Hoare, Philip. Oscar Wilde's Last Stand. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1997.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Alcohol Abuse Among the Elderly Essay

Alcohol abuse among the elderly is a widespread problem through the United States. It is hard to discover by physicians and medical providers, because many of these people have been abusing alcohol secretly for years. The population is extremely unlikely to admit that they have problems with alcohol, especially during a routine health care visit. As many as 15% of the population over 65 may be heavy drinkers, although this number is hard to pin down. Elderly people usually drink due to depression, loneliness and lack of social support. Most alcohol abuse comes from a lifetime history; whereas others develop alcoholic drinking patterns later in life. Alcoholism accounts for more than 15% of health care costs in the elderly. It is associated with an estimated 100,000 deaths per year in the United States. Alcohol consumption can produce both benefits and risks. In terms of benefits, men who drink two to six alcoholic beverages per week have decreased mortality rates and lower cardiovascular disease when compared with abstainers. On the negative side, two studies of 300,000 men demonstrated increased mortality among those consuming more than 2 to 3 drinks daily. Women, are more affected by less alcohol than men, perhaps because they have a lower blood volume, and so it’s distribution and decreased activity for gastric alcohol dehydrogenase are increased. The primary care physician plays an important role in making the diagnosis and in helping the older alcoholic receive proper medical and psychological care. As patients grow older, and develop conditions that require prescription and over the counter medications, opportunities for dangerous alcohol/drug interactions increase. Elderly patients should be encouraged to monitor their alcohol intake so that it does not conflict with their medications. When a problem is identified, begin by counseling patients and the family. Increased social support may be all that is needed to stop excessive alcohol consumption by some older patients. Reference Butler, Robert (June, 1998) Alcoholism and the later years. Geriatrics pg. 1-2.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Summary Of On Race And Time - 979 Words

Summary of â€Å"On Race and Time† The article summarized here is an explanation of the research conducted by Gordon Moskowitz, Irmak Olcaysoy Okten, and Cynthia Gooch. Their hypothesis was that when people try to appear that they aren’t biased, they experience a slowing of time that isn’t real when they are faced with situations involving others from a specific race. For example: A white man may experience that time has slowed when he is confronted with a situation in which he may seem biased toward a black man. There were two experiments, both of which were conducted at Lehigh University among students in an Introduction to Psychology class. Before the experiments, each participant was tested for high or low EMCP (external motivation to control prejudice). A person with high EMCP would report a need to be politically correct and seem unbiased in any situation. When they fail to do so or they appear to be biased or prejudiced, it causes a high amount of anxiety. IMCP (internal motivation to control prejudice) was measured at the same time. A person with high IMCP is usually concerned with being fair toward everyone, and when they’re faced with situations that could make them seem biased, it does not yield high anxiety; instead, they are more concerned with completing the task of being fair. The first experiment was conducted among 40 white students (24 women and 16 men) from an Introduction to Psychology class. In this experiment the participants were divided into high andShow MoreRelatedPlessy vs. Ferguson: A Case Study735 Words   |  3 PagesFerguson Background After the end of Reconstruction in 1877 Southern state legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws to legally segregate the races. In 1890, the Louisiana legislature passed a law requiring railroads to separate passengers on the basis of race. Trains that had two or more passenger cars were required to have designated seating for different races. 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